Главная » 2012 » Март » 2 » Hi-Fi минисистема T+A Caruso
Hi-Fi минисистема T+A Caruso

Многофункциональная микросистема T+A Caruso. Поддерживаемые форматы: CD, CD-R, CD/RW, MP3, DVD-Video, DVD-R, DVD-RW, VCD, S-VCD, JPEG Picture CD, FM тюнер, WiFi, 17x27x27 см, вес: 8 кг

Не хочется разрушать чужие идеалы, но сегодня вам и впрямь лучше забыть все, что вы когда-либо слышали о мини-системах и настольных радио, потому что перед вами – Caruso. T+A представляет совершенно новую компактную Hi-Fi систему, которая вобрала в себя новейшие и самые совершенные на сегодняшний день технологии. Caruso – это не просто радиоприемник или CD-плеер, а полностью универсальный аппарат, который работает с любыми форматами, носителями или сетевыми устройствами (CD, DVD, интернет-радиостанциями, сетевыми музыкальными серверами, USB-носителями, iPod (которыми можно также и управлять с пульта системы) или другими MP3-плеерами, и конечно же, радио), воспроизводя музыку с отменным качеством на интегрированных АС.

Три усилителя мощности по 50 Вт каждый напрямую подключаются к громкоговорителям, которые управляются прецизионными активными кроссоверами. Микропроцессор Caruso позволяет тонко подстраивать аудио-характеристики системы, результатом чего становится оптимальное звучание вне зависимости от ее расположения – на подоконнике, на письменном столе или на книжной полке. Музыкальные возможности Caruso весьма впечатляют, учитывая ее габариты, и она станет для вас, пожалуй, самым мелодичным и приятным будильником из всех, которыми вы пользовались. Caruso отличается простой и логичной интеллектуальной системой управления. Несмотря на всеобъемлющее оснащение, микросистема очень легко и интуитивно контролируется, как с дистанционного пульта, так и с передней панели. Она автоматически определяет подключенные стриминг-источники, позволяя в полной мере насладиться музыкой из сети или интернета. Коммуникационные возможности микросистемы очень обширны, и покрывают все возможные запросы: на передней панели есть USB-порт, сверху - док-станция для iPod, в то время как сзади расположены два линейных входа, а также сетевые разъемы LAN и WLAN. Есть два видеовыхода – композитный и высококачественный компонентный. У Caruso предусмотрен выход предусилителя (для использования дополнительного усилителя мощности или активных АС), разъем T+A SCLINK для подключения фирменных колонок TALIS, а также отдельный выход для сабвуфера. Все это обеспечивает Caruso нешуточный потенциал: при желании, систему можно превратить в полноразмерную Hi-Fi систему. Идеальными партнерами для Caruso станут новые активные громкоговорители CM Active – они отлично сочетаются по внешнему виду, обеспечивают ошеломляюще глубокий уровень баса, очень точное воспроизведение СЧ и ВЧ и напористый и динамичный звук.

Как и любой другой аппарат T+A, Caruso отличается привлекательной внешностью и изготовлен из самых качественных материалов. Хотя компактные внешние размеры вынуждали команду разработчиков идти на немыслимые ухищрения в попытке разместить столь большое число компонентов в маленьком объеме, специалисты T+A, как обычно, сознательно отказались от использования в корпусных элементах пластика – даже несмотря на то, что их применение сильно облегчило бы проектировку и удешевило бы производство. Но это не имеет значения: производители хотели, чтобы в мире аудиотехники Caruso заняла особое положение – настоящего произведения искусства, и для этого стремились соответствовать самым высоким стандартам. Все панели корпуса сделаны из высококачественного алюминия, и даже внутренний каркас колонок изготовлен из металла. Утонченный дизайн Caruso был разработан совместно с компанией ‚moll design‘, с которой T+A сотрудничает уже много лет. Результатом является уникальный, узнаваемый облик, заметно отличающийся от внешности большинства безликих аппаратов массовых производителей.

Категория: Hi-Fi минисистемы | Просмотров: 43000 | Добавил: Gordeev | Рейтинг: 5.0/2
Всего комментариев: 5581 2 3 ... 55 56 »
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Plans for striking $1-billion spiral-shaped Hollywood tower bursting with greenery unveiled
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Celebrated architect Norman Foster has unveiled plans for a new $1-billion office tower in ?Los Angeles that will see greenery spilling out from a series of terraces spiraling up its facade.

The eye-catching proposal, which was formally submitted to city planning authorities this week, will transform a two-acre site on Hollywood’s Sunset Boulevard into a 22-story entertainment industry workplace dubbed The Star.
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Digital impressions of the high-rise, released by the British architect’s firm Foster + Partners on Wednesday, show elevated gardens bursting with plants and trees, as well as outdoor decks and modern office space.

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New mission could shed light on the secrets of the moon’s ‘hidden side
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Over the past few years, competing countries have turned the moon into a hotspot for activity not witnessed since the Apollo 17 astronauts departed from the lunar surface in 1972.

In one lunar region, Japan’s “Moon Sniper” mission has beaten the odds and survived three long, frigid lunar nights since its sideways landing on January 19.
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Engineers at the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency didn’t design the spacecraft to last through one lunar night, a two-week period of freezing darkness, but the Moon Sniper continues to thrive amid lunar extremes and send back new images of its landing site.

Elsewhere, an international team of astronomers believes it has homed in on a crater created a few million years ago when something massive slammed into the lunar surface — and sent a chunk of the moon’s far side, or the side that faces away from Earth, hurtling into space. The hunk of moon became a rare quasi-satellite, or asteroid that orbits near Earth.

The Tianwen-2 mission will visit the space rock later this decade. But first, China has set its sights on returning to the moon’s “hidden side.”
The Chang’e-6 mission, which launched Friday, is aiming to bring back the first samples from the South Pole-Aitken basin, or the largest and oldest crater on the moon. Since the Chang’e 4 mission in 2019, China remains the only country to have landed on the moon’s far side, sometimes called the “dark side” of the moon.

The “dark side” of the moon is actually a misnomer, experts say, and the remote lunar hemisphere receives illumination — scientists just don’t know as much about the region as they’d like.

The far side, with its thicker crust, is vastly different from the near side that was explored during the Apollo missions.

Scientists hope that returning samples from the far side could solve some of the biggest remaining lunar mysteries, including the moon’s true origin.

553 WalterEmpaf  
New mission could shed light on the secrets of the moon’s ‘hidden side
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Over the past few years, competing countries have turned the moon into a hotspot for activity not witnessed since the Apollo 17 astronauts departed from the lunar surface in 1972.

In one lunar region, Japan’s “Moon Sniper” mission has beaten the odds and survived three long, frigid lunar nights since its sideways landing on January 19.
Engineers at the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency didn’t design the spacecraft to last through one lunar night, a two-week period of freezing darkness, but the Moon Sniper continues to thrive amid lunar extremes and send back new images of its landing site.

Elsewhere, an international team of astronomers believes it has homed in on a crater created a few million years ago when something massive slammed into the lunar surface — and sent a chunk of the moon’s far side, or the side that faces away from Earth, hurtling into space. The hunk of moon became a rare quasi-satellite, or asteroid that orbits near Earth.

The Tianwen-2 mission will visit the space rock later this decade. But first, China has set its sights on returning to the moon’s “hidden side.”
The Chang’e-6 mission, which launched Friday, is aiming to bring back the first samples from the South Pole-Aitken basin, or the largest and oldest crater on the moon. Since the Chang’e 4 mission in 2019, China remains the only country to have landed on the moon’s far side, sometimes called the “dark side” of the moon.

The “dark side” of the moon is actually a misnomer, experts say, and the remote lunar hemisphere receives illumination — scientists just don’t know as much about the region as they’d like.

The far side, with its thicker crust, is vastly different from the near side that was explored during the Apollo missions.

Scientists hope that returning samples from the far side could solve some of the biggest remaining lunar mysteries, including the moon’s true origin.

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551 JamesCit  
New mission could shed light on the secrets of the moon’s ‘hidden side
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Over the past few years, competing countries have turned the moon into a hotspot for activity not witnessed since the Apollo 17 astronauts departed from the lunar surface in 1972.

In one lunar region, Japan’s “Moon Sniper” mission has beaten the odds and survived three long, frigid lunar nights since its sideways landing on January 19.
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Engineers at the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency didn’t design the spacecraft to last through one lunar night, a two-week period of freezing darkness, but the Moon Sniper continues to thrive amid lunar extremes and send back new images of its landing site.

Elsewhere, an international team of astronomers believes it has homed in on a crater created a few million years ago when something massive slammed into the lunar surface — and sent a chunk of the moon’s far side, or the side that faces away from Earth, hurtling into space. The hunk of moon became a rare quasi-satellite, or asteroid that orbits near Earth.

The Tianwen-2 mission will visit the space rock later this decade. But first, China has set its sights on returning to the moon’s “hidden side.”
The Chang’e-6 mission, which launched Friday, is aiming to bring back the first samples from the South Pole-Aitken basin, or the largest and oldest crater on the moon. Since the Chang’e 4 mission in 2019, China remains the only country to have landed on the moon’s far side, sometimes called the “dark side” of the moon.

The “dark side” of the moon is actually a misnomer, experts say, and the remote lunar hemisphere receives illumination — scientists just don’t know as much about the region as they’d like.

The far side, with its thicker crust, is vastly different from the near side that was explored during the Apollo missions.

Scientists hope that returning samples from the far side could solve some of the biggest remaining lunar mysteries, including the moon’s true origin.

550 EdwinArcag  
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549 Jaredcop  
New mission could shed light on the secrets of the moon’s ‘hidden side
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Over the past few years, competing countries have turned the moon into a hotspot for activity not witnessed since the Apollo 17 astronauts departed from the lunar surface in 1972.

In one lunar region, Japan’s “Moon Sniper” mission has beaten the odds and survived three long, frigid lunar nights since its sideways landing on January 19.
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Engineers at the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency didn’t design the spacecraft to last through one lunar night, a two-week period of freezing darkness, but the Moon Sniper continues to thrive amid lunar extremes and send back new images of its landing site.

Elsewhere, an international team of astronomers believes it has homed in on a crater created a few million years ago when something massive slammed into the lunar surface — and sent a chunk of the moon’s far side, or the side that faces away from Earth, hurtling into space. The hunk of moon became a rare quasi-satellite, or asteroid that orbits near Earth.

The Tianwen-2 mission will visit the space rock later this decade. But first, China has set its sights on returning to the moon’s “hidden side.”
The Chang’e-6 mission, which launched Friday, is aiming to bring back the first samples from the South Pole-Aitken basin, or the largest and oldest crater on the moon. Since the Chang’e 4 mission in 2019, China remains the only country to have landed on the moon’s far side, sometimes called the “dark side” of the moon.

The “dark side” of the moon is actually a misnomer, experts say, and the remote lunar hemisphere receives illumination — scientists just don’t know as much about the region as they’d like.

The far side, with its thicker crust, is vastly different from the near side that was explored during the Apollo missions.

Scientists hope that returning samples from the far side could solve some of the biggest remaining lunar mysteries, including the moon’s true origin.

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